Dear X,
Congratulations: the team at Waterloo Reality Labs loved your application to the Software Subteam! Your passion, interest, and technical experience stood out, and we’d like for you to move toward joining our team.
We'd like to invite you to interview at a time that's convenient for you: please complete the Calendly link below to reserve your 30-minute block. We'll introduce Reality Labs to you and the projects that we are actively building. Next, we'll ask you about the things you've built from your resume and get to know you better. Finally, we'll ask you about how you might design the early stages of a humanoid robot.
See you online on Google Meets! And sincerely—thank you for your interest in Reality Labs. We are humbled each term when we open our applications, and we hope to create an environment of deep technical learning for our 4-month coops.
Justin Lin
Software Lead
Waterloo Reality Labs Executive Team