Tech Lead/PM Isaac Chiu, Shaikh Ayman Abdul-Majid, Justin Lin
Scrum Board
Expected Delivery TBD

Changes to Spec:

Change Date Change Author Change Reason
Sun. Feb. 2nd Justin Lin Initial Author

Point Persons:

Role Name Contact Info
Sedra Lead Peter Teertstra [email protected]
Team Lead Isaac Chiu
Shaikh Ayman Abdul-Majid
Justin Lin [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
UW Reality Labs Leads Vincent Xie
Kenny Na
Justin Lin [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Reality Labs and WATonomous are leading an ambitious effort to construct a humanoid robot with high dexterity, teleoperation via VR, and autonomous capabilities. Through a multi-team effort where both organizations recruit members into a joint team, we’re bringing together mechanical and software students to work towards the goal. Although the outlook is very long-term, our near-future goal is to design and assemble our own human hand/forearm prototype that uses tendons for activation. Then, we can begin work on a Unity VR teleoperation app, where users can operate the hand using their own via hand tracking and streaming data over internet protocols. WATonomous is currently building simulation and ROS2 software to model our hand before it is built, so that they can begin writing interfacing code for the motors and build general infrastructure for robot operation.